Aerosol GCM Trajectory (GCMTraj)

This experiment aims to perform a multi-model evaluation against reanalysis meteorological fields combined with ground-based observations of aerosol properties in a trajectory-based Lagrangian framework. The representation of source and transport dependence of aerosols to different regions will be examined. Applying trajectory calculations to the meteorological fields from reanalysis and GCM data for the same location and time-period facilitates a highly transparent means for evaluating the discrepancies between models and observations as a function of aerosol source/sink pathways during transport to a measurement station. This analysis technique will have wide scientific relevance as it facilitates tracing the aerosol evolution during transport to investigate the role of sources, dynamical processes and sinks on the aerosol properties in the model. For further details, see experiment documentation linked below.

accepting model submissions.
Daniel Partridge,
Paul Kim,

Ongoing analysis: A report summarising the results from the development phase of the experiment can be found here.

Timeline: obtain results for initial (phase 1) submissions by May 2019. Presentation of results at Oct 2019 AeroCom meeting.

Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet: TRAJ

Experiment description: The experiment rationale and description can be found here.

Document(s) with more info: All relevant documentation (including the files linked above) can be found here.

Last update: Jul. 20th, 2020